Saturday, 22 June 2013

Enjoying Life: A walk in Cefn Onn

Out for a walk in Cefn Onn park

There is little I enjoy more than being out with my girls in the woods on a sunny afternoon. Lush scents of damp earth and growing things. Sounds of birds and laughter and splashing. Rich deep greens and browns paired with the bright flash of color from flowers. The soft mulch giving ever so slightly underfoot or a hand in mine, warm and little wet and gritty from the stream .... mmm so much to love and appreciate and enjoy

Friday, 21 June 2013

In the Silence I've Been Gathering... (flowers and textures)

(all of these pictures are currently on sale 3for2 at LoomyBin)

In the silence I've been gathering... 

Flowers from a woodland walk...

Lovely textures from Caerphilly castle.

To check out more of the prints for sale check out 'Photos for Sale' album on LoomyBin
With every purchase made this weekend also receive a voucher for 10% off a handwoven item.

Monday, 10 June 2013

June 10th: You!

 I am the sum of my parts. Some parts are my girls, but the parts that are more me then them...

Sunday, 9 June 2013

June 9th: From Down Low

One of my favorite types of pictures are those that look at something from an angle which you don't usually see it...
I also really love looking at leaves and their almost translucent quality in some light...
So for your (hopeful) enjoyment a fern, from underneath...

(...Mom why are you laying on the ground?...) I fear their teenage years are going to be embarrassing for them

Friday, 7 June 2013

Glorious Day (A peek at the weaving on my loom)

view from the left (I had stopped at the second bead at the last picture)
View from the right. (Two more big beads added and a string of small seed beads)

The 'whole' as completed so far.
 To see more of my work pop over to LoomyBin.

June 7th: Bright

One of the best things about weaving is being able to work with color. I love bright beautiful colors.
In this picture are some of the cones I recently pulled out for planning stages of projects.
The Aqua and Cream cone closest is a one of a kind mix of wool and super soft soya proteins. It is one of the last few cones of a lot I bought which were a special trial. I will be sad to see it all go because it's wonderful to work with it.
The cone behind that is a Royal Blue and Black cotton and linen mix. I am a sucker for linen and cotton mixes because the designs they can create are so pristine.
The cone behind that is a super fine bright green lambswool. The cone laying down in a lovely deep yellow orange fine cotton.
Colors and the fibres associated are key for me and what I do. They shape the pieces I make in subtle and not so subtle ways (i.e. the certain patterns do not look good with certain fibres, likewise certain color combinations are best kept simple in design while others love to be intricately mixed).

Some of the patterns and colors I've woven over the year.

If you'd like to see more of what I'm working on pop over to LoomyBin. I always love to meet new people and find out what they think. I also have an Etsy shop.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

June 5th Environment: Surround yourself in love.

en·vi·ron·ment [en-vahy-ruhn-muhnt, -vahy-ern-]
1.the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu.
2.Ecology . the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.
3.the social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.
4.Computers. the hardware or software configuration, or the mode of operation, of a computer system: In a time-sharing environment, transactions are processed as they occur. indoor or outdoor setting that is characterized by the presence of environmental art that is itself designed to be site-specific (

Life is a crazy thing. It is and is not what you plan. It is and is not about what you hope and dream. It has limitations which sometimes you can break through and sometimes you cannot. You have to make from life what you can of it while imagining an ideal which may or may not be achievable without a Transporter or a Replicator. The best thing I can suggest to you is to surround yourself with as many things as you love. There will be bits you'll learn along the way (like not to get so distracted that the spaghetti burns)...but as long as the majority of the things surrounding you are loved then life will be good too.

Monday, 3 June 2013

June 3rd On My Table

We have spent five very long days doubling the size of our tiny patio. It entailed putting in a gate, replacing a rotten fence post, digging the hole for the new patio blocks and a load of other garden jobs which were to help get everything into good working order for our young kids. 
It's all paid off. I spent my day out with the girls enjoying the weather. To finish off our day I pulled out my newest little loom and started a new project. So 'on my table' today is the following pink and purple little cutie:

To check out some of my other woven items pop over to LoomyBin.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

June 2nd A Moment (after the rain and before the last drop falls)

So the other evening the girls went to bed before it was properly dark (yeah!). I was sitting weaving listening to the rain and then suddenly the view out the window brightened...

One of my favorite moments is when rain clouds break at dusk... the light is always amazing and since it's the early Summer with everything growing the colors are even richer giving everything a lush Art Nouveau feeling.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Early Summer Haiku

 Hope you're having a great day

June 1st B is for.... (Beads, Blue and Beginnings)

I just started working on another bright piece with beads.
I love beads...little shimmery bits catching and reflecting light which you can hold in your hand...

I'm going to call this scarf Glorious Day; bright sun in the turquoise blue sky.

To see more of my work pop into LoomyBin; I love to meet new people.