Friday, 31 May 2013

May 31st Four Things

and Loom

Would you like to see what it becomes? ...

Framed wall art: simple color and design. Ideal for a minimalist room.

To see prices and other creations pop over to LoomyBin and check out my work.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

May 30th Tool

See my lovely new tool? I just got it in the post today.
A gorgeous handmade little square weaving loom. EEEeeeeeEEE!
I got it from Planengrain who has lovely weaving items as well as some other really beautiful items...
Guess what I'm doing tonight...

Pop around and see what fun things I make with it at LoomyBin.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

May 27th and 28th Can't Live Without and What You're Doing Right Now

There's a lot in this picture, as a weaver, I cannot live without...well, I could ;) but these items make my life easier.
Loom- love piece of golden wood with a reddish tinge
Apron- made from bright red cotton canvas..this is my second one as the first one I made wasn't quite right
Tape Measure- fibre glass and flexible so I can wrap it around with the scarf on weaving
Strings- in this case lovely super soft cotton in bright colors
As a weaver all of these things have become essential to my practice. They make the process one of enjoyment and an expression of joy and relaxation.

I'm still weaving this in between playing Lego, cleaning, taping, gluing, FBing, twitter, blogging, planning, doing laundry, doing dishes, wiping bottoms, turning off lights that have been turned on... I'm a little behind ;)

To check out some of my other woven items pop over to LoomyBin

Sunday, 26 May 2013

May 26th Fave Thing to Do on a Sunday

... Enough said...

Tho I do like weaving too...

To see more of my weaving projects pop into LoomyBin

Friday, 24 May 2013

May 24th GO (for a walk)

This week I've been out with the girls enjoying the sunshine and weather. We've had lots of mini adventures before and after nursery doing things usually kept for non-school days.
My favorite was when we went for a walk in the woods. I love the way light filters through the leaves on even overcast days...

Thursday, 23 May 2013

May 23rd PJs

I can often be found weaving in my PJs. I do the most weaving in the morning just after Thing1 and Thing2 get up, before we're 'going,' and in the evenings after they've gone to bed.

One thing I've learned is when I'm starting a project it's best to be in these black ones and not say any of my stripy ones... The number of times I've grouched about colors or patterns not looking right when I've worn stripy PJs ...

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

May 22nd Change

A wish for change
Every penny can help

It does not always happen by itself

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

May 21st I Care About This (finding a cure for -SMA -Spinal Muscular Atrophy)

We all know life is amazing. We’ve heard it a million times. Whether you see it through the miracle of religion or science it is a wondrous mystery. And it is brought all the clearer to focus when you get a glimpse into other lives.  Life is so diverse and so filled with strength of character which those experiencing it often see as so little while the rest of shake our heads and cannot help but admire...

There is an illness called SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). It is the number one genetic killer of young children. One in every 40 people unknowingly carries the gene responsible for SMA. Researchers estimate that in as little as 5 years a viable treatment or cure could be found if sufficient resources are provided.

I donate some of the profits from the items I weave to help fund research through the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation (GSF) because to me this is a cause worth fighting.  This is because my friends the Zahn family - Barb, Noel, and little Lucy - are battling with type 1 SMA (the most severe) daily.

Lucy’s parents are what I think of as ‘extreme’ parents. Extreme parents are parents/ guardians of special kids.  They are extreme parents because they are pushed to the edge of the parenting spectrum. They have to deal daily with circumstances most cannot comprehend. They have to make decisions for their dear ones which are scary and nearly surreal for parents on the other end of the spectrum.  I have come in contact with a number of other families with children with disabilities, from fairly light to acute and many of them are extreme parents. I am always amazed at how similar, and very different at the same time, our worries are.  I want to say a very heartfelt ‘hurrah’ and ‘I’m with you’ (as much as I can be) to those of you who daily are out there fighting the ultimate battles for your loves.  Just like you I will ‘Never Give Up’ in my hope of finding the cures needed. My support and my admiration of you and your children will never cease.

I urge everyone to find a cause dear to your own heart and fight the good fight for it. No one may ever thank you personally, but the thanks will be those that were whispered by the mind of people who were in great need; your extra strength allowed them to get through to another day.

If you'd like to see some of the scarves I'm selling to help the cause come over to LoomyBin.

Monday, 20 May 2013

May 20th Light

This picture is a picture about light in so many ways.
If I had not met my husband...
moved to Wales...
I never would had found Tintern Abbey...
in the beautiful Wye Valley...
(where the light always seems to bend a certain way and seems to caress the cheek...)
I also never would have had that dancer of light and laughter...
And then there is the glorious sun, again, pouring across time and space...
This picture is the essence of light for me; it fills me with a glowing that brims and overflows.

Please feel free to pop over to LoomyBin and have a look at the weaving I also do.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

May 18th Want (to learn to Spin)

So this morning everyone was up early so we got dressed and went for a walk up Y Garth. This wool was caught on one of the fences and it made me wish I really knew how to spin.

I'd love to dye and spin my own fibres for some really unique and 'completely' handmade by me scarves.

Have a look at what else caught my eye and fills my mind with inspiration...

To have a peek at my weaving pop into LoomyBin.

Friday, 17 May 2013

May 17th Season (Spring)

I love looking out in the garden. There are so many different Spring flowers growing. Often it's flowers that inspire me the most because of their beautiful colors, shapes and textures.

Here's a few flowers from my garden which may inspire you.

If you want to see some of my scarves inspired by flower pop over to LoomyBin

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

May 15th 7 O'clock (weaving while they watch)

This is the project on the loom today.
I always love when the light comes in from the windows and through the reed onto the strings... So while the kids watch their morning TV... I took some pictures.

For more weaving pictures or to see the scarves I've woven up come over to LoomyBin.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

May14th Need (more Blue)

There's lots of things I need... sleep, time, money for me and to give away, a cure for SMA and child illnesses, string... but in the long run what I always need is more Blue.
This is code for me needing more love, light, inspiration, patience and beauty in my life. I often feel at a loss when my life gets caught up in the 'everyday.' I begin longing for things I cannot have or will take too long to accomplish. I know we all feel like this sometimes. It's a matter of finding a little something which gets us through the day and keeps us holding on until the time is right to do more. It's blue things for me... 

So here, for you, I have a little more blue with the hope that you can find those things that you really need too. x
Blue of the sky accented by the red leaves

More blue weedy flowers
If you want to see some more blue things which inspire:

Or pop over to LoomyBin to see some of my scarves and handwoven items.

Monday, 13 May 2013

May13th Sunrise/Sunset (aka Early Sun and Golden Dragonfly scarves)

Here are two sunny weaves that I have done in the the past.
The one on the left is Early Sun it is cotton and slub string and cotton and linen slub string.
The one on the right is Golden Dragonfly is is a mixture of vintage wools in antique gold and copper and ladder yarn in variegating golds, oranges and olive with a black binding.

One of my favorite things to do is take picture on my work on the loom. The effect one gets is often quite different to what it looks like when you take it off, because on the loom everything is stretched to it's fullest and nothing has been shrunk in the wash. Below is Golden DragonFly on the loom. It was really pleasing to my eye and to my mind when I was weaving it because of the luster and color of the strings. I had a real vintage feel to it, like I had plucked it out of the late 80s to be tied upon my loom.

 For more examples of my weaving pop over to LoomyBin